Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Friday; it must be St. Louis.

We are here in sunny St. Louis, MO, at KawaKon, a nice little anime show. Fridays are slow at cons, especially during school time, so we comfort ourselves with things like "Oh, it will be better on Saturday.".

We arrove in St Louis around 8PM Thursday, an uneventful trip, until we were four miles from our exit, and I-64...stopped. Google did not know that there is major construction happening.

ATTENTION GOOGLE EARTH PARANOIACS: You have nothing to worry about.

We spent about an hour-and-a-half looking for our hotel, stopping for directions from an international cast of characters. Finally, I turned the wrong way and lo, there was the Crowne Plaza! We got our room, unloaded the shirts in the dealers room, then had Whittaker's Pizza delivered in. Very good, very cheap, and they had funnel cake balls for dessert. Om nom nom.

Friday dawned. Eggs Benedict at the hotel restaurant. I thank you, and my arteries thank you.

The con staff are helpful and competent, and they love the shirts we did for the con.

I am sick of people taking pictures of our stuff. Not snapshots, mind you. Walking by and taking shot after shot of our work, because they're too cheap to by a shirt, or too sheep to ask for a deal.
I guess that what gets me is the utter cluelessness. They don't even think about the affront. "I can't afford the shirt, but I want the design anyway. I deserve it."
Riatsila likens it to downloading torrents. I disagree.

Your dirt's dirty. Mine's not.

On the other hand, sales ARE going well. Enthusiastic huzzahs from the crowd. Lots of very happy otaku loving the Aardvarks' labor. Friday was an OK business day, but before the room opened at 3PM, we went to the Posh Nosh, a wonderful deli on Maryland Ave. in Clayton, MO.
Excellent Reubens, and their garlic pickles make Claussen's taste like industrial waste.

Business is booming at this cosy little con.

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