Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Aardvark is one of those created with his hinder too close to the ground. Consequently, his pants legs are always too long. Seriously...he needs a 28 inch inseam. If he lived in New York, he would shop at "Shlomo's Short and Squat". (PL. call me!).

As a result, his jeans have that fashionable "denim-shredded-by-being-trodden-on-boy-EE" look which he so despises. If he were anorexic and looking for modeling work it would be one thing, but looking more like The Critic than a Gap ad puts a different spin on it all.

Couple that with being hagridden. (No he and the Dread Dormomoo are not at outs. He speaks of his Mistress: his business.) He is Just Too Busy to go out and find a decent haberdasher or seamstress (both of which being in short supply anyway in the Wilds of Alabamastan). The DD is accomplished with needle and thread, and has an aged Pfaff that does great machine work, but, well, SHE is hagridden, too.

Therefore, to avoid the terminally frayed look, your Aardvark has resorted to...
Resorted to...
Rolling up his pants legs.
Yeah, the Tom Sawyer look. Give him a fence to whitewash, and he'll be fine. Maybe he'll play at rolling a barrel hoop along with a stick.

Guess he needs to buy jeans online, too.


Billiam said...

Now all you need is white socks, black loafers, and a duck tail! *Billiam snickers mischieviously*

The Aardvark said...


Billiam said...

Oh no! Not another Fonzie fan! And I only stink if I haven't showered! LOL

Pretty Lady said...

Now, you should KNOW that a wide cuff is All The Rage. At least, it was among female teenage Mexican pop stars a couple of years ago...hmmm...haven't noticed much lately...

Pretty Lady said...

Now, you should KNOW that a wide cuff is All The Rage. At least, it was among female teenage Mexican pop stars a couple of years ago...hmmm...haven't noticed much lately...

Pretty Lady said...

Dratted perfidious Blogger.