Monday, November 18, 2019
Why the Left cannot meme.
Your Aardvark has had the smackdown put on him. The kibosh, even.
I had shared this latest knee-slapper of Jeffrey Epstein memes (best one yet):
and a friend posted the tweet at the top in response.
Well, of COURSE!
This is the point. The EXACT point. The "Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself"
memes exist precisely because whatever happened to him, he has now avoided (temporal) judgment, and what is worse (as fellow huckster Jesse Forte commented on FB), all of those who partook of Epstein' and offerings...have escaped exposure and judicial punishment.
This brings up the titular issue: the Left cannot meme effectively, primarily because They Don't Get It. Memes require Pith and Editing. The Left tends toward preachments and verbosity. Also, they apparently cannot see through to the raison d'etre of the meme in the first place. It merely becomes a springboard for clueless responses.
If Epstein offed himself, well, he took the coward's path of avoidance.
If he was offed by others, they were protecting themselves from their loathsomeness being revealed and punished.
I vote that Epstein didn't kill himself.
(Thanks, fRed, for the meme!)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A velocipede of volubility
SAKES, fan types.
It's "Aeolus 14 Umbra"!
How Religion Works: If I obey, then God will love and accept me.
The Gospel: I'm loved and accepted, therefore I wish to obey.
--Thomas Keller
John Tracy is
I can neither confirm nor deny that Herb McCaulla, Wes Tillander, and I invented Southern Fandom so we could make a buck off of 'em.
"I don't intend copyright infringement" is perhaps not the most ironclad of legal boilerplate.
The President reflects society
that has rejected
morals and niceties of the past.
If Orange Man Bad, then So Are We.
Got to hang out some with
George Lowe at FanatiCon in Dothan, AL.
(Remember "Space Ghost Coast to Coast?", when Cartoon Network was funny?)
If you are not a Jew,
then you are a Gentile.
This seems simple.
Politics is now a giant
bloody game of UNO.
But if you play the UNDO card,
your opponent can on the next turn.
The word is NOT
The correct term is
Quantum computers use
I'd use Alexa if the voice was
Brian Blessed's.
I heard a thing.
I will believe it because it agrees with my other things.
I want to believe the thing.
WVNN (local talk station),
must you field local hosts
who sound like poster children for
terminal adenoiditis?
It is pitch black.
You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is far more transformative than
the ballot box.
Benjy, if the American people do not want to occupy, why have bases everywhere?
Perhaps D.C. should hear the people.
The Gospel: I'm loved and accepted, therefore I wish to obey.
--Thomas Keller
John Tracy is
I can neither confirm nor deny that Herb McCaulla, Wes Tillander, and I invented Southern Fandom so we could make a buck off of 'em.
"I don't intend copyright infringement" is perhaps not the most ironclad of legal boilerplate.
The President reflects society
that has rejected
morals and niceties of the past.
If Orange Man Bad, then So Are We.
Got to hang out some with
George Lowe at FanatiCon in Dothan, AL.
(Remember "Space Ghost Coast to Coast?", when Cartoon Network was funny?)
If you are not a Jew,
then you are a Gentile.
This seems simple.
Politics is now a giant
bloody game of UNO.
But if you play the UNDO card,
your opponent can on the next turn.
The word is NOT
The correct term is
Quantum computers use
I'd use Alexa if the voice was
Brian Blessed's.
I heard a thing.
I will believe it because it agrees with my other things.
I want to believe the thing.
WVNN (local talk station),
must you field local hosts
who sound like poster children for
terminal adenoiditis?
It is pitch black.
You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is far more transformative than
the ballot box.
Benjy, if the American people do not want to occupy, why have bases everywhere?
Perhaps D.C. should hear the people.
The Events (09/20)
Wednesday afternoon, I began to experience chest pain.
*pauses for collective gasp*
It was, however a Very Specific and Familiar chest pain.
"When your Aardvark has pollen-impacted sinuses, or the galloping bronchitis, or has his arm yaw when it should have pitched whilst carrying a heavy piece of equipment, he goes to a local clinic, where he pays cash, either then, or in thirty days.
He is often prescribed pharmaceuticals, and more often than not, at least part of the scrip is in the form of free samples of the drug. When he thought he was having a heart Event at an out-of-town convention, the pain eased, and we (perhaps foolishly) drove back to AL. Upon arriving home, to the local clinic he went, fast as he could caper. The nurse practitioner did an EKG, then asked about insurance. None. He went "Whoops" or somesuch, trundled the EKG out, and pretended he had not run the test, which had shown normal. Finally after much pokery and proddery, he put his palms on your hero's breastbone, and all but did a handstand. "Did it feel like this?" "Yessss" came the reply. Turns out the 'varky sternum had been strained from overmuch t-shirt printing, and himself was told to lay off for awhile. Your Aardvark was treated, and well, and paid in cash."
It was THAT pain, but multiplied since ten years ago. Apparently the inflammation has increased of late. Enough that by Wednesday night, it was almost to whimpering level. There were none of the concomitant symptoms for a heart attack, but if we pressed on my sternum, it hurt like blazes.
I went to sleep, hugging a hard foam pillow, which surprisingly helped. Thursday morning, the overt pain was almost gone, but was still touchy, and my energy level dropped to zero. I slept most of the day...did not FEEL like leaving the house to go to the doc.
Today, The DD and I took me to Urgent Care doc-in-the-box. One of the kids recommended it. WELL worth the experience. They have a flat fee of $175, which includes all tests. I had an ECG (when did it stop being EKG?), blood screening and thorough consultation.
The ECG was peachy, though my pulse rate was 102 BPM, which appears to be normal for my bloodline. But that is what signaled the need for the blood screening. Coupla more days and I'll hear from that.
I am frightfully pleased with all hands there. Friendly, willing to actually TELL you things, and also willing to listen. I told them of the sternum tale...I agreed to the ECG because I am not stupid, and I was happy that as far as that went, my self-diagnosis was correct.
The upshot is, that I DID see the doc, on the chance that I in my questionable wisdom may have missed something. (Eric Arbuckle, you may upbraid me at your leisure.)
No heart attack. YAAAAYY! Lots of pain, that has largely worn off. We'll see what else. OH! High BP, for which I have a 'scrip, and instructions to cool it with the third shift thing, because sleep issues can cause OTHER issues.
So, we shall see. Thank you for concern and prayers.
Forget straws.
Silicone wristbands
will be the death of the Earth.
"Pumpkin spice" references are NOT
a cry for a "Dune" quote.
A cry for help, yes....
Wednesday afternoon, I began to experience chest pain.
*pauses for collective gasp*
It was, however a Very Specific and Familiar chest pain.
"When your Aardvark has pollen-impacted sinuses, or the galloping bronchitis, or has his arm yaw when it should have pitched whilst carrying a heavy piece of equipment, he goes to a local clinic, where he pays cash, either then, or in thirty days.
He is often prescribed pharmaceuticals, and more often than not, at least part of the scrip is in the form of free samples of the drug. When he thought he was having a heart Event at an out-of-town convention, the pain eased, and we (perhaps foolishly) drove back to AL. Upon arriving home, to the local clinic he went, fast as he could caper. The nurse practitioner did an EKG, then asked about insurance. None. He went "Whoops" or somesuch, trundled the EKG out, and pretended he had not run the test, which had shown normal. Finally after much pokery and proddery, he put his palms on your hero's breastbone, and all but did a handstand. "Did it feel like this?" "Yessss" came the reply. Turns out the 'varky sternum had been strained from overmuch t-shirt printing, and himself was told to lay off for awhile. Your Aardvark was treated, and well, and paid in cash."
It was THAT pain, but multiplied since ten years ago. Apparently the inflammation has increased of late. Enough that by Wednesday night, it was almost to whimpering level. There were none of the concomitant symptoms for a heart attack, but if we pressed on my sternum, it hurt like blazes.
I went to sleep, hugging a hard foam pillow, which surprisingly helped. Thursday morning, the overt pain was almost gone, but was still touchy, and my energy level dropped to zero. I slept most of the day...did not FEEL like leaving the house to go to the doc.
Today, The DD and I took me to Urgent Care doc-in-the-box. One of the kids recommended it. WELL worth the experience. They have a flat fee of $175, which includes all tests. I had an ECG (when did it stop being EKG?), blood screening and thorough consultation.
The ECG was peachy, though my pulse rate was 102 BPM, which appears to be normal for my bloodline. But that is what signaled the need for the blood screening. Coupla more days and I'll hear from that.
I am frightfully pleased with all hands there. Friendly, willing to actually TELL you things, and also willing to listen. I told them of the sternum tale...I agreed to the ECG because I am not stupid, and I was happy that as far as that went, my self-diagnosis was correct.
The upshot is, that I DID see the doc, on the chance that I in my questionable wisdom may have missed something. (Eric Arbuckle, you may upbraid me at your leisure.)
No heart attack. YAAAAYY! Lots of pain, that has largely worn off. We'll see what else. OH! High BP, for which I have a 'scrip, and instructions to cool it with the third shift thing, because sleep issues can cause OTHER issues.
So, we shall see. Thank you for concern and prayers.
Forget straws.
Silicone wristbands
will be the death of the Earth.
"Pumpkin spice" references are NOT
a cry for a "Dune" quote.
A cry for help, yes....
Thursday, June 27, 2019
A Tally of Tumtwaddle
From 2015:
Dear conservatives and Constitutionalists:
This has been an interesting week, in the Chinese sense. Many are kvetching that it is the end of our economy, others are whining "Come, Lord Jesus" over the preponderance of rainbows online (I hold firm with the prayer for the Lord's return, but not as whinging over political downturns. The hymn does NOT say "Whine Up O Men of God....). There is a vast cataract of bloviation on one side, and mean-spirited poor winners on the other.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
What we have seen is a result of a vast stratagem, that of Wearing Down the Opposition. For close to fifty years, the homosexual lobby has worked tactical magic day-to-day, from making Christians look silly by ignoring Biblical context, to having VERY sympathetic and likeable characters on TV shows, to marching their brand constantly before the watching world.
They have lived and put forth supreme effort for their beliefs and lifestyle.
Because of this, 1.5-2% of the population has popularised what used to the sin that has no name by turning it to something akin to civic virtue, and by demanding not mere acceptance, no, but celebration and rights for what has never existed before in 5000 years of history, homosexual marriage being equivalent legally and socially to what Jesus defined as "a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife". (see, Jesus DID talk about it, too!) In doing that they also accrued a large base of supporters, because if you DON'T agree, they will call you made-up names in public. That would be uncool, and you would likely not be invited to the best parties.
How was this accomplished? By unflagging effort to reach the goal.
Dear conservatives, Christians, and Constitutionalists, they BELIEVED, then ACTED unyieldingly to accomplish their tasks. Were we as convinced in our own concerns, we would have stormed cities, state capitols, the very Capitol in D.C., and demanded that those who purport to represent us DO SO. Those who are treasonous would have been arrested, and we would have brought about a renascence of our Constitutional Republic. This is a truth I speak, and you had best hear it. Why did we not fill the streets of D.C.? Why did we not clog the halls of Congress with our demands? Were we so busy that we could not get away? Busy with what? Franklin said that the Founders gave us a Republic, if we could keep it. Was the second car, the bass boat, the vacation so important that we could not be BOTHERED to take back our country?
By all means, let us moan, weep, gnash our teeth, and NOW call on the Almighty to get us out of this mess. OUR mess, for had we the will our fellow citizens had for their interests, we would have won the day by sheer force of numbers. But no, social media, talk radio, "conservative news", all were enough, we thought, we hoped. Someone else will do the heavy lifting. Last year a retired Army guy tried to organise a peaceful siege of Washington D.C. Few could be bothered, and it fizzled.
"Maybe God is judging Amurrica!" Stop blaming the Almighty for our own almighty sorriness. And as I point my finger of indignation, I am cognizant that three are aimed at me. Nothing short of a revolution will change things, now. I question if we are man enough to even begin to consider thinking about the possibility of debating the need to talk about forming a committee to establish the by-laws for drafting a plan such as we would need.
We have been weighed in the balance, and found sorely wanting. "How can he say this?"
Because we have repeatedly and overwhelmingly lost. Behold the new force in American politics: The Loser Majority.
Here endeth the lesson.
From 2016
Dear conservatives and Constitutionalists:
This has been an interesting week, in the Chinese sense. Many are kvetching that it is the end of our economy, others are whining "Come, Lord Jesus" over the preponderance of rainbows online (I hold firm with the prayer for the Lord's return, but not as whinging over political downturns. The hymn does NOT say "Whine Up O Men of God....). There is a vast cataract of bloviation on one side, and mean-spirited poor winners on the other.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
What we have seen is a result of a vast stratagem, that of Wearing Down the Opposition. For close to fifty years, the homosexual lobby has worked tactical magic day-to-day, from making Christians look silly by ignoring Biblical context, to having VERY sympathetic and likeable characters on TV shows, to marching their brand constantly before the watching world.
They have lived and put forth supreme effort for their beliefs and lifestyle.
Because of this, 1.5-2% of the population has popularised what used to the sin that has no name by turning it to something akin to civic virtue, and by demanding not mere acceptance, no, but celebration and rights for what has never existed before in 5000 years of history, homosexual marriage being equivalent legally and socially to what Jesus defined as "a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife". (see, Jesus DID talk about it, too!) In doing that they also accrued a large base of supporters, because if you DON'T agree, they will call you made-up names in public. That would be uncool, and you would likely not be invited to the best parties.
How was this accomplished? By unflagging effort to reach the goal.
Dear conservatives, Christians, and Constitutionalists, they BELIEVED, then ACTED unyieldingly to accomplish their tasks. Were we as convinced in our own concerns, we would have stormed cities, state capitols, the very Capitol in D.C., and demanded that those who purport to represent us DO SO. Those who are treasonous would have been arrested, and we would have brought about a renascence of our Constitutional Republic. This is a truth I speak, and you had best hear it. Why did we not fill the streets of D.C.? Why did we not clog the halls of Congress with our demands? Were we so busy that we could not get away? Busy with what? Franklin said that the Founders gave us a Republic, if we could keep it. Was the second car, the bass boat, the vacation so important that we could not be BOTHERED to take back our country?
By all means, let us moan, weep, gnash our teeth, and NOW call on the Almighty to get us out of this mess. OUR mess, for had we the will our fellow citizens had for their interests, we would have won the day by sheer force of numbers. But no, social media, talk radio, "conservative news", all were enough, we thought, we hoped. Someone else will do the heavy lifting. Last year a retired Army guy tried to organise a peaceful siege of Washington D.C. Few could be bothered, and it fizzled.
"Maybe God is judging Amurrica!" Stop blaming the Almighty for our own almighty sorriness. And as I point my finger of indignation, I am cognizant that three are aimed at me. Nothing short of a revolution will change things, now. I question if we are man enough to even begin to consider thinking about the possibility of debating the need to talk about forming a committee to establish the by-laws for drafting a plan such as we would need.
We have been weighed in the balance, and found sorely wanting. "How can he say this?"
Because we have repeatedly and overwhelmingly lost. Behold the new force in American politics: The Loser Majority.
Here endeth the lesson.
From 2016
planet's inhabitants have survived well for many millennia as clans,
tribes, and nation-states. No globalist pretensions, except once, and
the kibosh was put on that, giving Berlitz a career.
The frantic flailing over BREXIT shows that some never learn. Globalism, UN hegemony, internationalist cabals, whichever buzzword suits, is nothing more than a political-economic Babel, which, given humankind's predilection to fussing, is destined to fragment anyway. Power and profits for those at the top will not be sufficient to maintain the solidarity of the masses. National sovereignty may be as ingrained as eye color, and reversion to it will come, sooner rather than later.
A little late.
"Good Omens".
It's a FANTASY. People learning to treat each other kindly.
By all means, hyperventilate.
Star Trek: Discovery.
And I thought the Excelsior
was ugly!
Dear, dear Chuck Schumer.
You are fretting over voting security.
Here ya go:
Voter ID.
Tickety Boo!
The frantic flailing over BREXIT shows that some never learn. Globalism, UN hegemony, internationalist cabals, whichever buzzword suits, is nothing more than a political-economic Babel, which, given humankind's predilection to fussing, is destined to fragment anyway. Power and profits for those at the top will not be sufficient to maintain the solidarity of the masses. National sovereignty may be as ingrained as eye color, and reversion to it will come, sooner rather than later.
A little late.
"Good Omens".
It's a FANTASY. People learning to treat each other kindly.
By all means, hyperventilate.
Star Trek: Discovery.
And I thought the Excelsior
was ugly!
Dear, dear Chuck Schumer.
You are fretting over voting security.
Here ya go:
Voter ID.
Tickety Boo!
Saturday, March 16, 2019
A Plethora of Pith
I miss the time when the world was more innocent.
I notice that no one is sighing wistfully for someone to remake
"The Green Slime".
Fajitas seasoned too little
taste like horse,
at least to my imagination.
Really missing the '70s
fish & chips places like
Cedric's and Arthur Treacher's.
All the people who freak out over
"DANGEROUS TOYS" from mid-century...
There were no radioactive Jarts,
so it's all cool.
Amusing that some who give
no thought to following Christ
are flailing over the Trump
signed Bible thing.
I do NOT care if it funds toys for orphans.
That men see that you buy a house, and say "We will charge you money for the privilege, and if you do not pay us, we will take your house." is an unremitting evil.
It is certainly not Liberty.
1955 cutoff?
1963 cutoff?
I don't know if I'm a Boomer or not!
I would love to be GenX and hate on the Boomers, too!
Whatever other deficiencies I may have, I have never taken a selfie.
The John Birchers were right, as was Joe McCarthy.
TFW watching the first Titan missile launch brings tears to your eyes.
That men see that you buy a house, and say "We will charge you money for the privilege, and if you do not pay us, we will take your house." is an unremitting evil.
It is certainly not Liberty.
1955 cutoff?
1963 cutoff?
I don't know if I'm a Boomer or not!
I would love to be GenX and hate on the Boomers, too!
Whatever other deficiencies I may have, I have never taken a selfie.
The John Birchers were right, as was Joe McCarthy.
TFW watching the first Titan missile launch brings tears to your eyes.
One of the great losses of Western Civilisation is that Orson Welles never did a recorded reading of the King James Bible.
The out-takes alone....
You realise that a REAL
Hawaiian pizza
would be
Pineapple and SPAM
Facebook is the talk radio
of the 21st Century.
Be prepared.
If you voted for Mr. Trump,
then Jerrold Nadler will likely subpoena YOU, too!
Socialism is not
"Communism Lite".
It is the Communism Lie.
In a few hundred years, the new seedlings will be old-growth.
The out-takes alone....
You realise that a REAL
Hawaiian pizza
would be
Pineapple and SPAM
Facebook is the talk radio
of the 21st Century.
Be prepared.
If you voted for Mr. Trump,
then Jerrold Nadler will likely subpoena YOU, too!
Socialism is not
"Communism Lite".
It is the Communism Lie.
In a few hundred years, the new seedlings will be old-growth.
Saturday, February 02, 2019
I am hereby advocating for the forcible removal of each and every self-identified socialist in "government service".
Socialism is Communism lite. They are enemies of our Republic.
We knew how to deal with them, mid-century last.
Socialism is Communism lite. They are enemies of our Republic.
We knew how to deal with them, mid-century last.
Friday, January 18, 2019
A Chamber of Chumbawumbary
"You like a thing that
I don't like.
You're stupid."
This, my response to the Sturm und Drang over the Netflix
"Godzilla" anime movie trilogy.
Yes, and if the White House had served the team
prime rib and lobster
it would have been overspending.
I saw fan cosplayers this weekend better than this.
The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.
The friendship of people online is sometimes astonishing. Noel and I went to Ohayocon in Columbus this weekend. I did not touch the interwebs. We also had 5 inches of snow!
The Dread Dormomoo reports that at least one person actually 'phoned over concern for my having vanished for 3-4 days.
Wow. I am touched beyond (many) words! I have had some messages expressing concern as well. Again, wow. Thank you!
I apologise for losing track and not giving a having to go was sudden (sickness of one of our crew necessitated it). There was much love of Aardvark shirtage, We saw many old friends (HI, SAMI !!!), and made new ones, too!
Thanks for your concerns. You have NO idea how much I appreciate having you all in my life.
SO, harvests data for Mormon "baptise for the dead" efforts toward your ancestors, and 23andMe sells your DNA to Big Pharma.
Can no-one understand that having Big Government is PRECISELY why we have corporatism and crony capitalism?
This may be a quintessential villain,
This guy shows up repeatedly!)
A bent humanity shambling back to a digital Babel is as brilliant as
every other attempt toward bootstrap perfection.
Mercy, I just get better and better....
(5 January, 2019)
Mercy, I just get better and better....
(5 January, 2019)
Watching the ORIGINAL Harry Potter movie.
I keep getting messages to pass on about the 28th Amendment, and calling for a Constitutional Convention.
You do NOT want a Constitutional Convention. That opens the door to tinkering with the WHOLE Constitution. You cannot limit it to the 28th. This is a BAD thing.
I keep getting messages to pass on about the 28th Amendment, and calling for a Constitutional Convention.
You do NOT want a Constitutional Convention. That opens the door to tinkering with the WHOLE Constitution. You cannot limit it to the 28th. This is a BAD thing.
What you want
is a "CONVENTION OF STATES" That is designed to deal with specific
things, not allowing wholesale changes to the document.
There were army guys who did nowt but point to the left.
We painted the helmets blue and called 'em UN troops.
Remember when fan pages were about
technical and artistic aspects,
Instead of "Do you remember?"?
Do you remember content, instead of "Do you remember "XYZ Show" ?
Content promotes discussion.
"Do you remember 'Lost in Trek'?" promotes one-word answers.
Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (ret), attempted a million-man march-type event in 2013, for crowds of patriots to swarm Washington D.C., and the halls of Congress, holding our representatives accountable.
Few took part in what could have been a game-changer for our nation. They could not be bothered to participate.
Advert on Facebook.
"Artist molds clay into faces of famous people"
Glad someone finally figured THAT out.
There were army guys who did nowt but point to the left.
We painted the helmets blue and called 'em UN troops.
Remember when fan pages were about
technical and artistic aspects,
Instead of "Do you remember?"?
Do you remember content, instead of "Do you remember "XYZ Show" ?
Content promotes discussion.
"Do you remember 'Lost in Trek'?" promotes one-word answers.
Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (ret), attempted a million-man march-type event in 2013, for crowds of patriots to swarm Washington D.C., and the halls of Congress, holding our representatives accountable.
Few took part in what could have been a game-changer for our nation. They could not be bothered to participate.
Many are hand-wringing over Republican losses in the House. How many of
those complaining did not vote in November? I ask because there were
apparently a LOT who did not. for whatever reason. "I can't line up with
EVERYTHING X candidate believes."
Whatever reason, they could not be bothered to vote.
The candidates were flawed, and thus not worthy of votes.
These non-voters could not be bothered to run.
Listening to talk radio accomplishes nothing. Compare "conservatism" now with 30, 40, 60 years ago. Consistently losing ground, and the VERY things that the John Birchers and such warned against have come to pass, however indelicately they prophesied it. Socialism and communism are not hanging about the wainscoting. They are now seated proudly at table.
Because you couldn't be bothered, for whatever personal tic of a reason you had.
To them wot styles themselves as "conservative".
Rush has beaten the drum for 30-odd years.
Rejoice in all our gains.
We do not NEED "conservatism", at least the way we have played the game since Buckley subverted it. Conservatism is by definition a defensive game. You don't gain ground playing defense.Buckley and his National Review ilk rendered groups like The John Birch Society to be null and void, as they were populist organisations, without the tony intellectual polish of the Buckleyites.
"Conservatism" has conserved NOTHING, has made no inroads into anti-Constitutional governance.
One thing we MUST realise (those coming from Christian backgrounds), is that we must fight the inclination to
conflate The US of A with the Kingdom of God, and recognise that Romans
13 makes clear the different jobs the two have. The "King" (the civil
government) is tasked with unpleasant jobs not in the Church's purview,
including capital punishment. Therefore, the President is not some
"pastor in chief".Whatever reason, they could not be bothered to vote.
The candidates were flawed, and thus not worthy of votes.
These non-voters could not be bothered to run.
Listening to talk radio accomplishes nothing. Compare "conservatism" now with 30, 40, 60 years ago. Consistently losing ground, and the VERY things that the John Birchers and such warned against have come to pass, however indelicately they prophesied it. Socialism and communism are not hanging about the wainscoting. They are now seated proudly at table.
Because you couldn't be bothered, for whatever personal tic of a reason you had.
To them wot styles themselves as "conservative".
Rush has beaten the drum for 30-odd years.
Rejoice in all our gains.
We do not NEED "conservatism", at least the way we have played the game since Buckley subverted it. Conservatism is by definition a defensive game. You don't gain ground playing defense.Buckley and his National Review ilk rendered groups like The John Birch Society to be null and void, as they were populist organisations, without the tony intellectual polish of the Buckleyites.
"Conservatism" has conserved NOTHING, has made no inroads into anti-Constitutional governance.
Advert on Facebook.
"Artist molds clay into faces of famous people"
Glad someone finally figured THAT out.
I am excited to hear that walls are old technology.
Planning on an open house arrangement, with drones patrolling the perimeter of our floor plan. Lots of fresh air, and scenery.
Good thing we like sweaters.
Planning on an open house arrangement, with drones patrolling the perimeter of our floor plan. Lots of fresh air, and scenery.
Good thing we like sweaters.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Felix sit annus novus
2018 is past, long may it putrefy.
2019 lies before us in lissome beauty. We hope.
Himself went to Columbus, OH with Noel to sell shirtage at Ohayocon. We stayed at a down-at-the-heels Days Inn near the aerodrome (the place did not have sprinklers). It was a clean place, redolent with Neutron Industries deodorisers. The Free Breakfast! was entirely carb-based, not even a hard-boiled egg in sight, yet, it got us cranked. We would Uber to the convention center (as economical as paying for parking). We did very well for ourselves, sales-wise, and may this presage pecuniary goodness for the rest of the yahren.
One thing. One teeny, weeny thing, my boy...I was writing up a sale, and I heard a masculine voice ask something. I responded "Yes, sir" to which the response was "Ma'am". Not sure of my hearing (my shell-likes are not what they were) I turned and asked "Excuse me?" "Ma'am", the kimonoed customer said. The voice, the jawline, the Adam's apple, the shadow beard, all screamed "GUY!!!". Yet, he insisted that I refer to him as "Ma'am" because he felt pretty, oh so pretty in that kimono. I acknowledged that, but did not utter the noun. He kept looking at shirts, and I felt the heat rising from my shoulders up into my face. Anger.
"OOOOOH! You're a HATER!!"
No. I was an angry little Aardvark. But why? It took a bit for me to compute it, but I came to the realisation that what this person was DEMANDING of me was to throw out every read, ID marker, every bit of Things As They Are that I have compiled in 61 years. "Ignore reality as you have experienced it for over six decades, because I am delusional, and wish for you to celebrate my delusion. Reject the world as you know it, because of my feelings."
When he was ready to purchase, I motioned Noel to deal with it. I could not trust myself, I was so shaken by this. Not because he was wearing woman's garb (been in the anime con scene for 15 years, and have seen a lot of harm, no foul.) but because that he insisted I deconstruct Reality to suit his feelings. I reject this, utterly.
I was subjected to a dreadful "Party tape" in high school (one of those comics who revel in ribaldry). One character in a joke was a lisping mincing guy who was headed for the "Ladies Room". The hero objects but the ponce says "But I have my Mother's features!". Our Hero responds "You may have your Mother's features, but you have your Father's fixtures, so you know where to go!".
Here endeth the lesson.
2019 lies before us in lissome beauty. We hope.
Himself went to Columbus, OH with Noel to sell shirtage at Ohayocon. We stayed at a down-at-the-heels Days Inn near the aerodrome (the place did not have sprinklers). It was a clean place, redolent with Neutron Industries deodorisers. The Free Breakfast! was entirely carb-based, not even a hard-boiled egg in sight, yet, it got us cranked. We would Uber to the convention center (as economical as paying for parking). We did very well for ourselves, sales-wise, and may this presage pecuniary goodness for the rest of the yahren.
One thing. One teeny, weeny thing, my boy...I was writing up a sale, and I heard a masculine voice ask something. I responded "Yes, sir" to which the response was "Ma'am". Not sure of my hearing (my shell-likes are not what they were) I turned and asked "Excuse me?" "Ma'am", the kimonoed customer said. The voice, the jawline, the Adam's apple, the shadow beard, all screamed "GUY!!!". Yet, he insisted that I refer to him as "Ma'am" because he felt pretty, oh so pretty in that kimono. I acknowledged that, but did not utter the noun. He kept looking at shirts, and I felt the heat rising from my shoulders up into my face. Anger.
"OOOOOH! You're a HATER!!"
No. I was an angry little Aardvark. But why? It took a bit for me to compute it, but I came to the realisation that what this person was DEMANDING of me was to throw out every read, ID marker, every bit of Things As They Are that I have compiled in 61 years. "Ignore reality as you have experienced it for over six decades, because I am delusional, and wish for you to celebrate my delusion. Reject the world as you know it, because of my feelings."
When he was ready to purchase, I motioned Noel to deal with it. I could not trust myself, I was so shaken by this. Not because he was wearing woman's garb (been in the anime con scene for 15 years, and have seen a lot of harm, no foul.) but because that he insisted I deconstruct Reality to suit his feelings. I reject this, utterly.
I was subjected to a dreadful "Party tape" in high school (one of those comics who revel in ribaldry). One character in a joke was a lisping mincing guy who was headed for the "Ladies Room". The hero objects but the ponce says "But I have my Mother's features!". Our Hero responds "You may have your Mother's features, but you have your Father's fixtures, so you know where to go!".
Here endeth the lesson.
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