Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Plugging a moth

Google, besides being a company FAR more interested in identity politics, and riding herd on employees expressing BadThink than producing good software anymore, is getting FAR too uppity and Nosy-Parker for my taste.

Last night (9 August) I went to the car wash to strip screens for re-use. Whilst there, I saw the prettiest moth (and I watch Mothra flicks)!

The Rosy Maple Moth.
It climbed aboard my proffered finger, and I took it to a place where it would not become Wet and Dead. Quite friendly and lovely.

Of course, at the time I had no clew as to what type of moth it was. I had to look it up today, which included pictures.

Ten minutes or so ago I was on Facebook, and this ad appeared:


That's not funny one bit.

1 comment:

Doom said...

Yep. If I can't fix that I am dumping it all. Cellphone next month. I've actually been asked "how will you live?", by people who laughed at me when I got my first one. I just said that I am a trend-setter, that they would be doing so too, soon. Guess at response? Laughter, again. ;p

Oh, you know what, nowadays, wet and dead is? WED!