Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

A cacaphony of consonants

I want you to know what a STRUGGLE it is for me NOT to share those gelatine mould salad pictures.


Lots of fussing about $6(?) trillion missing from the Pentagon. "They need to find it!" say concerned folks.
Look in orbit, sez I.


If I can emotionally extort someone for it, then it's a RIGHT!


When the arm-flailing over "MEDICAID cuts" begin, here's the skinny: the "cuts" are reductions in INCREASES.
There are still increases in the budget, just not quite as many.
It is still a large net gain.


"This Island Earth".
The Monitor played the reporter in "The Thing".


The most hateful thing about Boomers is all the old people adverts they have spawned.


In Biblical arguments, the text is the thing. Your opinion matters not a whit.
Here is the issue:
Many people SEEM to think that the Bible is Somehow Different from other books, in that "because spiritual", the rules of grammar, usage, comprehension and logic become squishy, and do not apply, as they do in reading the encyclopaed
ia or Upton Sinclair. Also, the "living document" business need not apply. Just as Webster's dictionary "fixed" the language, standardised it at a set point in time, so the Bible is set. The words and thoughts mean what they meant WHEN WRITTEN; they mean what they meant to the then-current audience. This means we must apply ourselves a tad to understand the (historical) context in which it was written. Ezekiel was not writing to 21st century Americans about a UFO sighting by the river Chebar. He was writing to Jewish exiles in Babylon, using imagery well understood by his audience.


How exactly do you get "vworp-vworp" from the TARDIS matrialisation sound?


Farewell, you moon-faced assassin of joy, you.

STILL better than Mitch.
Image may contain: one or more people



I really, really HATE this design.
Mash-ups are one thing, but someone just swallowed a lot of sci-fi, then threw up on a shirt.

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing


No automatic alt text available.


Yet another in the endless string of annoyances...
"Put the petal to the metal.".


Have a lovely rest of the week!



-Warren Zoell said...

I don't respect any sci fi mashup that doesn't have 2001 a space odyssey on it.

The Aardvark said...

Yes. The only problem...
