Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I've never ever seen as many ants in my LIFE.
My compost heap is invaded! Little black ants, with tiny white babies. Ebony and Ivory at the bottom of my garden. The remedy? Death by manure! The compost is not heating sufficiently to render it inimical to formic incursion. Gotta scrounge the riding trail. I'm amazed at how fun my life can be. More on this later....


MacLaren said...

Coffee grounds or freshly cut grass mixed with straw, brown leaves or shredded paper.

That will cook the ants out.

The Aardvark said...

You have described my compost heap.

MacLaren said...

Okay then... there are other possibilities. It could be either too wet or too dry. If it's really wet, the pile won't heat up. After a couple of dry days, stir it and cover it with something. Or... if it's too dry, spray the hose on it, or better, dump some urine in there. Yeah, boyeeee!

And actually, the ants will help break the pile down. they're just a pain if they move in permanently. Hope they're not the biting sort. Down in Frostproof, FL, my pile was FILLED with fire ants I couldn't get rid of. Those things are almost unkillable. Though... a nice pot of boiling water quickly reduces their population.