I want to wish each and all a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day.
BR1 is high on my "I'm thankful for..." list.
(Why? It's JUST a group about a KID'S show!)
You all are a fun bunch, and are bringers of joy-even Fred!

You stick together, all for one, one for all, share concern over troubled members, or those in peril. You hold the door open and say "After you." where eBay auctions are concerned.
Polite, caring, not self-absorbed, talented...
You would think one could learn something from a kid's show.
All this, and you put up with my bloviating homilies, too.
Thanks, guys and gals. Whether you are celebrating a holiday or not, or gnoshing on turkey, hot dogs, or steak and kidney pud': Happy Thanksgiving!
Here endeth the lesson.
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