Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Saturday, May 06, 2017

Tantalising tidbits of taco

The DD has been binge-watching thesurvivalgardener.com
David the Good is...good.
(He is also the producer of our adverts of awesomeness!)

Going to a Mexican restaurant on Cinco de Mayo.

Cinco de Mayo: the day when American virtue-signalers and Mexicans go to Mexican restaurants to celebrate taco diversity, and all sane people go for pizza.


See, the original idea was that the several states were EXACTLY that, (rather like Europe used to be). The Governors appointed ambassadors to represent the states in D.C. These ambassadors were called "senators", and represented their state and its interests to the FedGov just as the ambassador of a sovereign nation would.
This was changed by having the PEE-pul elect the Senate, turning it from an Embassy of the states into a fell Super-House-of-Representatives.
IKEA lovers...what happens when you ignore the instructions.


It's May 5th.
Who wants Chinese?


Not an immense fan of Natural News, but this puts it as plainly (though polemically) as it could be. “What portion do we have in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, O Israel!"



I guess we will all have to buy snow shovels to dig through the corpses at the door.
Me, I'm renting a Bobcat.


Saw an odd pilot/TV Movie.
"Star Command". Not bad. Done for UPN.
Has a "Boy, we wish we were Babylon 5!" vibe.



The Dread Dormomoo and I watched the first half of "The Ten Commandments" (1956) last night.
We are amazed that there was any scenery left, it was so thoroughly chewed. Every line from Charlton Heston sounded as though carven in stone. And the pseudo-scripture writing...
"The light of eternal mind.". Had no idea Moses was a Theosophist.


So tired of the trendy, real George use of the word "optics".


Saddest TV moment:
Kenny crying when Cartman has eaten all the KFC skin.


Billions and billions...?

From G.K.Chesterton's "Orthodoxy":
"But modern thought also hit my second human tradition. It went against the fairy feeling about strict limits and conditions. The one thing it loved to talk about was expansion and largeness. Herbert Spencer would have been greatly annoyed if any one had called him an imperialist, and therefore it is highly regrettable that nobody did. But he was an imperialist of the lowest type. He popularized this contemptible notion that the size of the solar system ought to over-awe the spiritual dogma of man. Why should a man surrender his dignity to the solar system any more than to a whale? If mere size proves that man is not the image of God, then a whale may be the image of God; a somewhat formless image; what one might call an impressionist portrait. It is quite futile to argue that man is small compared to the cosmos; for man was always small compared to the nearest tree. But Herbert Spencer, in his headlong imperialism, would insist that we had in some way been conquered and annexed by the astronomical universe. He spoke about men and their ideals exactly as the most insolent Unionist talks about the Irish and their ideals. He turned mankind into a small nationality. And his evil influence can be seen even in the most spirited and honourable of later scientific authors; notably in the early romances of Mr. H.G.Wells. Many moralists have in an exaggerated way represented the earth as wicked. But Mr. Wells and his school made the heavens wicked. We should lift up our eyes to the stars from whence would come our ruin.
But the expansion of which I speak was much more evil than all this. I have remarked that the materialist, like the madman, is in prison; in the prison of one thought. These people seemed to think it singularly inspiring to keep on saying that the prison was very large. The size of this scientific universe gave one no novelty, no relief. The cosmos went on for ever, but not in its wildest constellation could there be anything really interesting; anything, for instance, such as forgiveness or free will. The grandeur or infinity of the secret of its cosmos added nothing to it. It was like telling a prisoner in Reading gaol that he would be glad to hear that the gaol now covered half the county. The warder would have nothing to show the man except more and more long corridors of stone lit by ghastly lights and empty of all that is human. So these expanders of the universe had nothing to show us except more and more infinite corridors of space lit by ghastly suns and empty of all that is divine."



I got to the shop last night, and as I drove up, there was a...something...in front of the shop door.
I got out, walked over, and found a box.
It was a Ouija board.
I suppose I need to start wearing an ascot, and drive an aqua and green van. With a dumb Great Dane.


"What I do know is, in little more than 30 years, we have gone from a nation where the “quiet enjoyment” of one’s private property was a sacred right, to a day when the so-called property “owner” faces a hovering hoard of taxmen and regulators threatening to lien, foreclose, and “go to auction” at the first sign of private defiance of their collective will ... a relationship between government and private property rights which my dictionary defines as “fascism.”"
-- Vin Suprynowicz
(1950-) American columnist, author
Source: Live Free or Die: How Many More Carl Dregas?, September 21, 1997


Bill O'Reilly fired?
Clearly it's "Irish need not apply" ALL over again!


Had the most dreadful nightmares the other night, visually as though Wes Craven and Heavy Metal had a shoggoth.
I pray not to have a reboot.

Maybe I'll watch "The Langoliers" as a lullaby.

I know...NOTHING is as bad as that was.


"If these aren't the End Times, they will certainly do until they get here." -- John B. Wells


Going beddie-bye, now.
I'll try not to pull an Alan Tracy.