Old Time Radio at OTRCat!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Rusty Robots of Rutan

The idea that humankind is essentially good will be the death of us.

Ultra-Q on Shout! Factory TV.
It was like a Fifties SF/Horror flick each week, with a real "Twilight Zone" vibe, by way of Osaka. (That's a joke).

Anyone remember Walter Cronkite's CBS series "The 21st Century"?
Anyone wanna sue CBS for being SO wrong depicting the 21st century as being exciting and cool?
I feel like I drank an ennui latte with whipped tedium on top.

Scrawny bird sez: "Whoa, I've been sick!".
I need to know the provenance of this cartoon gag. Was it a Draft thing? There is NOTHING online that I can learn from searches.

A private citizen leading the Lord's Prayer has NOTHING to do with "separation of church and state".
"CONGRESS shall make no law..."

Sometimes I think that the Pokemon GO A.I. was ported from the original X-Com.

MUST Dollar General smell like bargain night at a joy house?

Gun sales have dropped considerably since the Trump Ascendancy. People aren't worried about losing gun rights.
The Left should be turning cartwheels, but no. If he multiplied hot dogs and buns, they would fuss that the buns are in 8-packs, ant the hotdogs in 10-packs.

I cannot imagine that drawing tally marks on your skin with Sharpie could possibly be good for your liver.

"Hate Crime" = "X" lives matter more

I'm glad my interests go beyond politics. It wearies me to see utterly non-political posts muddied by commenters who HAVE to make some political point out of it.
To quote the Great Shat:

Friend to Robert Frost: "Yeats is dead."
Frost: "Good."

I am sad that I know as much as I do about Flat Earth theory.

"Enjoy 20/20 hearing..."
Uh huh.

"Sure, sure, sure."

Where has "Invasion of the Saucer Men" been all my life?


Pandas are no longer on the endangered list. Maybe Panda Express will stop substituting moggy.


"Mr. President, we must not allow a mine shaft gap!"

I know it's foolish to ask, but must it be the binary "Ban refugees" vs, "Open the borders and let 'em all in" argument?
Maybe there are other intermediate options. The Ellis Island model appeared to work well. I mean all the proud "we were ALL immigrants" people are in fact here. Maybe we could just use the extant laws and regulations, instead of marching and punching and in the end, accomplishing nothing.


I watched "War of the Insects" whilst printing shirts late last night. The only joy I have left to me is to inflict this as broadly as possible.